My sister didn't approve. That's what I always think when I see this single. Back in 1983, it was still a big issue which records we bought. As we both had record collections, she didn't appreciate it much when I bought the same singles she did, because we would have less extra songs to play, but whenever I bought something she didn't like, she was disappointed as well.
'Living on video' was an example of electronic music. When I grew older, I came to realise that women generally don't like electronic music, because of its mechanic nature. But I loved this song for all its simplicity and weird noises. And that includes the vocals...
My collection: 7" single no. 212
Found: Disco Market, Den Haag, 1983
Cost: 3,5 guilders
Tracks: 'Living on video' / 'Digital world'
Download: Album 'Living on video', including both tracks. (
Part one /
Part two; password video93)
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