Peter Blegvad was born on August 14, 1951. He is an American musician, singer/songwriter and cartoonist. He was a member of the avant-rock band Slapp Happy, which founded in Germany in 1972. In the 1980's he released two albums that were both commercially unsuccessful. This single, 'How beautiful you are' is taken from his debut album 'The naked Shakespeare'. On the album he collaborated with several wellknown British musicians. 'How beautiful you are' was produced by Dave Stewart (Not the one of Eurythmics fame, but the other one who worked
with Barbara Gaskin) and the B-side 'Vermont' was produced by Andy Partridge (from
I recorded this track from radio in 1983, played it endlessly and finally found the single in 1990 during a record fair.
My collection: 7" single no. 1228
Found: Record fair, Den Haag, April 22, 1990
Cost: 5 guilders
Tracks: 'How beautiful you are' / 'Vermont'