Monday, 27 March 2023

Laiskotellen - Lasse Mårtenson

Lasse Mårtenson represented Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 1964 with 'Laiskotellen'. The song was composed by Mårtenson and lyrics by Sauvo Puhtila. The song finished seventh in the competition,  organized in Copenhagen, and collected nine points. Finland received three points each from Denmark, Norway and Great Britain. The song thus became, along with Marion Rung's "Tipi-ti", the most successful Finnish Eurovision song up to that point.

My copy of 'Laiskottellen' came without a picture sleeve as was habitual at the time. I received my copy from a Finnish dealer on Discogs, one of very few copies on sale in recent times.

My collection: 7" single no. 6790
Found:, received 15 October 2022
Tracks: 'Laiskotellen' / 'Ehkä kerran'

Sunday, 26 March 2023

One more lonely night - Kaija

When I wrote my post about 'Hullu yö' recently, I noticed that my post about another single by Kaija was missing from this blog. I actually think I did write about it, but in the early days of this blog Blogger used to randomly delete posts because of copyright claims. Fortunately they stopped doing this now, because I don't think anyone should stop me from writing about my own records... or should they? 

Anyway, 'One more lonely night' and its B-side 'Una notte folle' are simply the English and Italian versions of 'Hullu yö', which makes this kindof an essential purchase. It's not often that a Finnish artist records an Italian version of their song, in fact it only happened once before, when Lasse Martenson recorded 'Cara domenica', the Italian version of 'Laiskotellen'.

My collection: 7" single no. 3455
Found: eBay, 2008
Tracks: 'One more lonely night' / 'Una notte folle'

Volare - Jane Morgan

Strictly speaking, the lead track of this EP is 'The day the rains came', as it's the first track on the A-side, but it's the second track on that side which I bought this record for: another cover version of Domenico Modugno's 'Volare'. And it's quite an interesting record, too: the label states 'not for sale', which I guess makes it a promotional EP.

Jane Morgan was born in Newton, Massachusetts (USA) on 3 May 1924 and initially found success in France and the UK before achieving recognition in the US, receiving six gold records. Her song 'The day the rains came' reached number one in the UK Singles Chart in early 1959. This EP features her version of 'Volare', sung in Italian and English. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6922
Found:, received 22 March 2023
Tracks: 'The day the rains came', 'Volare' / 'It's all in the game', 'Everybody loves a lover'

Saturday, 25 March 2023

L-Imhabba - Helen & Joseph

When Malta started participating in the Eurovision Song Contest in the early 1970's, they insisted on performing in Maltese. This didn't necessarily prove to be a success formula, as these first two entries ended up in last place. Helen & Joseph's 'L-Imhabba' ('Love') was Malta's second unsuccessful attempt after 'Marija L-Maltija'. 

In an effort to make the difficult Maltese language a little more accessible to all the viewers, a word in Italian, Spanish, German and English was included in the chorus: “L-imhabba hi bacio, beso, Küsse / Haz li 'l qalbek tmiss u li jsejhulha "kiss" / L-imhabba hi bewsa helwa zokkor / Li jimbuttawha x-xottejn waqt li jinghalqu l-ghajnejn”. You can see it doesn't really help.

My collection: 7" single no. 6921
Found:, received 22 March 2023
Tracks: 'L-Imhabba' / 'Gonna be a fun day'

A-ba-ni-bi - Grupo Música

The Portuguese Grupo Música released their last single in 1978, featuring covers of 'A-ba-ni-bi', the Israeli winning song of the Eurovision Song Contest that year, originally performed by Izhar Cohen, and 'Det blir alltid värre framåt natten', the Swedish entry originally performed by Björn Skifs. 

Grupo Música remains as anonymous as the sleeve of this single looks, and after 1978 no futher singles were released. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6920
Found:, received 21 March 2023
Tracks: 'A-ba-ni-bi' / 'Quando a noite vem'

Friday, 24 March 2023

A ave e a infancia - Grupo Música

Grupo Música is another one of those anonymous acts who were busy recording covers of Eurovision songs. This single is their first release, I think, featuring the winning song of the 1977 edition, 'L'oiseau et l'enfant'. In Portuguese that becomes 'A ave e a infancia'. The B-side is a cover of 'Mathema Solfege', the Greek song which ended up in fifth place that year. 

According to Discogs, António Sala is the only identified member of Grupo Música. It's always a bit of a mystery who else was involved in this recording, although producer Correia Martins at least gets a mention on the back sleeve.

My collection: 7" single no. 6919
Found:, received 21 March 2023
Tracks: 'A ave e a infancia' / 'Licao de Solfejo'

Guarda os teus beijos para mim - Acetato

There's some more Portuguese covers of Eurovision songs in the batch of singles I received recently. This one was released in 1976 and features the number 1 and 2 of that year's competition: 'Save your kisses for me' (UK) and '1, 2, 3' (France). In Portuguese, that would be 'Guarda os teus beijos para mim' and 'Um dois tres'. 

The tracks were recorded by Acetato, an anonymous act who released nothing else, just this one single. As a result, the names of the four members of Acetato, pictured on the back sleeve, remain unknown.

My collection: 7" single no. 6918
Found:, received 21 March 2023
Tracks: 'Guarda os teus beijos para mim' / 'Um dois tres'

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