Saturday 14 January 2023

Słodkie Życie / S O S Dla Planety - Kapitan Nemo

Kapitan Nemo featured once before on this blog, with two accessible synthpop songs on the single 'Zimne kino'. This single was released prior to that one, so the music is quite similar and again very accessible.

Although this single clearly states an A- and B-side, it looks like the B-side 'S O S Dla Planety' was more popular, since it ended up in the Polish radio chart back in 1983, peaking at number 9. I have to say I prefer the A-side, but maybe that's just me.

My collection: 7" single no. 6841
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'Słodkie Życie' / 'S O S Dla Planety'

Wspomnienia z pleneru - Kombi

I raved about the synthpop band Kombi a couple of times on this blog, and thus I am quite happy to present here the debut single of this band, released in 1979. It comes in a colourful Tonpress sleeve, although I am not sure if the sleeve belongs to the single since there is no mention of the band or song at all. 

'Wspomnienia z pleneru' means 'Outdoor memories'. It is an instrumental track with a beautiful melody line. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6840
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'Wspomnienia z pleneru' / 'Przeciąg'

Zielono mi - Andrzej Dąbrowski

Andrzej Dąbrowski (born 13 April 1938 in Vilnius) is a Polish singer, drummer (jazzman), composer, journalist, photographer, and rally driver (Polish vice-champion in car rallies in 1957). A graduate of the Music High School in Kraków and the Instrumental Department of the State Higher School of Music in Kraków (in the percussion class of Józef Stojko).  

He made his debut as a jazz singer in 1965, and as a singer performing pop music in addition to jazz - in 1970. This EP, with the lead track 'Zielono mi' is a slightly eclectic mix of songs, finishing with the show tune 'Ol' Man River', from the 1927 musical 'Show boat'. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6839
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'Zielono Mi', 'Już Przyszedł Dzień' / 'Powrót', 'Ol' Man River'

Nie Wierz Nigdy Kobiecie - Budka Suflera

Budka Suflera is a rock group, formed in 1974 in Lublin (Poland). They released their debut album the next year, and they kept releasing albums on a regular basis to this day. They also released several singles together with Izabela Trojanowska, whose name also appears on this blog from time to time.

'Nie Wierz Nigdy Kobiecie' ('Never believe a woman') was released in 1982. It is a rock ballad, with lyrics written by Andrzej Mogielnicki, and the music was composed by Jan Borysewicz with the help of Romuald Lipka, although only the former is mentioned. The song was subsequently covered by Lady Pank, Krzysztof Krawczyk and Stachurski.

My collection: 7" single no. 6838
Found: Received 7 January 2023

Tracks: 'Nie Wierz Nigdy Kobiecie' / 'Rok Dwóch Żywiołów'

Biały Krzyż - Czerwone gitary

Although most Polish singles I've posted here are from the Eighties, here is something from the Sixties. Czerwone gitary is a Polish rock/pop band, founded in 1965, which had its biggest outside success in the German Democratic Republic. In Poland known as Czerwone Gitary (Red Guitars), they performed numerous songs in German as well and consequently released them using a German name, Rote Gitarren. 

'Biały Krzyż' was released in 1968. Back then the band consisted of Seweryn Krajewski (guitar, keyboards, lead vocals), Bernard Dornowski (guitar, vocals), Jerzy Skrzypczyk (drums, vocals) and Krzysztof Klenczon (guitar, harmonica). Remarkably, their last album was released in 2015 and they are still touring.

My collection: 7" single no. 6837
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'Biały Krzyż' / 'Deszcz Jesienny'

Szklana pogoda - Lombard

Lombard is another Polish band that has appeared on this blog before. Last month, it was their single 'Adriatyk, ocean gorący', and this time it's 'Szklana pogoda', also released in 1983 but not included on the album 'Wolne Od Cła'. This is perhaps explained by the fact that this single was released on the Polskie Nagrania label, whereas their other output appeared on Tonpress. But how am I to know... 

Anyway, 'Szklana pogoda' sounds very much like a new wave track, with synths and guitars fighting for your attention. It's an attractive slice of Eighties pop.

My collection: 7" single no. 6836
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'Szklana pogoda' / 'Kto Mi Zapłaci Za Łzy'

Przytul mnie - Kombi

The band Kombi has appeared on this blog before, with the single 'Linia Życia' from 1983. It certainly sounded good, and this single, released in 1980, is another good example of what this Polish band is capable of. 

'Przytul mnie' ('Hug me') comes with sultry male vocals, something you might expect after reading the title. The music sounds like it is inspired by funk and disco. When you turn over the disc, you suddenly get a piece that leans more toward glam rock. And so my estimation would be that Kombi is an inspired band, offering a wide spectrum of music. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6835
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'Przytul mnie' / 'Hotel twoich snów'

Friday 13 January 2023

Krach - 2 plus 1

2 plus 1 were known as the "Polish Abba". They formed in the early Seventies and continued making music for decades in varying formations. Their music even reached other territories, which certainly during the Seventies and Eighties was not something that happened often to Polish bands. 

When you listen to this single, 'Krach', released in 1983, it's easy to see why: they created an infectious blend of disco and new wave - even if they came from folk rock beginnings. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6834
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'Krach' / 'XXI wiek'

Od Rana Mam Dobry Humor - Maria Jeżowska

Born in 1960, Maria Jeżowska graduated from the the Faculty of Popular Music of the Academy of Music in Katowice under the direction of Krystyna Prońko. In 1978 she won the ZAKR award at the Festival of Soviet Song in Zielona Góra. In 1979, she participated with the song ´Nutka w nutkę´ in the "Premier" competition at the 17th National Festival of Polish Song in Opole, where she received a distinction for "an interesting interpretation of the songs performed". 

After this success, she released her self-titled debut album in 1981. From this album, the single 'Od rana mam dobry humor' ('In the morning I have a good mood') was taken. It certainly sounds like an upbeat song. Look out for the very nice instrumental solo!

My collection: 7" single no. 6833
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'Od Rana Mam Dobry Humor' / 'Reggae O Pierwszych Wynalazcach'

PePe Wróć - Perfect

The band Perfect is probably already familiar for the most avid readers of this blog, since I featured their singles Chcemy Być Sobą and Zamieniam Się W Psa here a month ago. This single, 'PePe Wróć' does not come close to their best track, 'Bla bla bla', but it's still a good piece of rock. 

It was released in 1982, between the other two singles mentioned above. The title means 'Pepe come back'. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6832
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'PePe Wróć' / 'Opanuj Się'

Funky 608 D - Krzak

At the end of November I received a stack of singles from Poland from my friend Mat. A week ago I was surprised yet again with even more treats from behind the iron curtain. At least, that's how we, in western Europe, described all the countries east of Germany back in the Eighties.

All the names in this batch will be familiar for those who kept an eye on Polish pop, but for me, each and every single was a new discovery - and in most cases, a very pleasant discovery. Take for instance Krzak, described on Discogs as "a phenomenon on a global scale". A band playing instrumental music, it was one of the most popular rock groups in Poland of the early Eighties. This single, 'Funky 608 D' was released in 1980 and will certainly delight you - the B-side perhaps even more than the A-side.

My collection: 7" single no. 6831
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'Funky 608 D' / 'Kołysanka Dla Maciusia'

Boosh - Whelan & Di Scala (Da Mode)

'Running Up That Hill' was a big hit last Summer as a result of the Netflix series 'Stranger Things', which featured the song quite prominently. It certainly did wonders for the exposure of Kate Bush to younger generations. Of course, most older people were already familiar with the singer and the song. 

Even in 2006, the song was picked up by a young duo. Dave Whelan and Mike Di Scala took it upon themselves to make a remix of 'Running Up That Hill'. They titled it 'Boosh' and released it on a one track 12" single (the other side remained blank). 

My collection: 12" single [unnumbered]
Found:, received 11 June 2022
Track: 'Boosh'

Here again - Mighty high

Few will have missed the resurgence of Kate Bush last year, because she went number 1 in several countries with 'Running Up That Hill', all because of a certain Netflix series. But Kate Bush has always been around, ever since she debuted with 'Wuthering Heights' in 1978 and the follow-up single 'The Man With The Child In His Eyes'. 

It is that latter song that has been remixed by Mighty High some time around 2010. I bought the 12" single, which was released unofficially, last year, but for some reason it didn't appear on this blog yet. As I am rectifying that, it's a good chance to listen to this interesting version of a classic song.

My collection: 12" single [unnumbered]
Found:, received 11 June 2022
Tracks: 'Here again (vocal mix)' / 'Here again (dub mix)'

Sunday 8 January 2023

Giving you the best that I got - Anita Baker

Anita Baker's 'Sweet love' is a beautiful soul song, and after I bought it I came across this limited edition box set, released some time after that single. The box set only included the single and a poster, which made you think a poster sleeve could also have been an option - but perhaps a box set made more of an impression in the UK stores in 1988. 

The song itself is, unfortunately, not as good as 'Sweet love'. At least, that's what I think. I've had this set for a few decades now but I am letting go of it, along with a handful of other singles. If you're interested, check out my Discogs inventory

My collection: 7" single no. 2454
Found: Record fair, Leiden, 2 September 1995
Tracks: 'Giving you the best that I got' / 'Good enough'

Saturday 7 January 2023

Et bonjour à toi l'artiste - Nicole Rieu

Back in November 2014, I bought 'Et bonjour à toi l'artiste', the French Eurovision entry from 1975 by Nicole Rieu. As I wrote back then, she recorded her song in no less than six languages. One of these was Japanese. 

'Soyokaze no okurimono' appears on the B-side of this Japanese single. Normally it is prohibitively expensive to order Japanese singles because of the postage costs involved, but I found this copy on Discogs from a French seller. That made it a lot easier to decide to buy this one. After all, we don't hear Eurovision songs in Japanese often enough. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6830
Found:, received 5 January 2023
Tracks: 'Et bonjour à toi l'artiste' / 'Et bonjour à toi l'artiste [Japanese version]'

Oração - António Calvário

Most people would think that the first ten years of the Eurovision Song Contest were pretty dull. Well, except my father, who thought that all the music made after the 1950's was bad. I grew to appreciate the music of the Fifties and Sixties later in life, and I have grown a pretty impressive Eurovision collection of singles as you can see on this blog. 

A recent acquisition is this Portuguese song from 1964. António Calvário sang 'Oração' ('Prayer') and recorded an EP with three more songs. Like most Portuguese songs, it didn't win but ended up in 13th place among 16 participants. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6829
Found:, received 4 January 2023
Tracks: 'Oração', 'Notre dame d'amour' / 'Alma de boémio', 'Tricana'

Wednesday 4 January 2023

I am not afraid - Black / Angel eyes (Home and away) - Wet wet wet

This single represents the last Italian promo featuring a song by Black, completing my series of three. It was released in 1987 when a little UK band called Wet wet wet were making a name for themselves with the track 'Angel eyes (Home and away)', which I consider to be a terrible song because of those weird vocals. 

As for 'I am not afraid' by Black, the track is, of course, called 'I'm not afraid', but what's interesting about this single, is that the label says it has a duration of 3 minutes and 30 seconds, whereas in reality the track goes on for the full five minutes. That is a good thing, of course, because the single edit, which is found on this single, which was released commercially, is one of the worst single edits in the history of mankind.

My collection: 7" single no. 6828
Found:, received 3 January 2023
Tracks: 'Angel eyes (Home and away)' (Wet wet wet) / 'I am not afraid' (Black)

Chequered love / Kids in America - Kim Wilde

Obviously I have a lot of Kim Wilde singles, as you can see here, but I am a sucker for rare pressings - and boy, this really is a rare one. Made in the Philippines, it features 'Chequered love' on the A-side and, strangely, 'Kids in America' on the B-side. 

What's also interesting, is that this single features the classic 'EMI' logo on the label. Although Kim was signed to RAK records in the UK, and RAK is actually mentioned on this label, the Philippines probably didn't use the RAK artwork on their records at all. 

The single came in a generic white sleeve. If anyone is reading this in the Philippines, I am quite interested in the sleeve that would have been on this one originally - most probably a record company sleeve or something!

My collection: 7" single no. 6827
Found:, received 3 January 2023
Tracks: 'Chequered love' / 'Kids in America'

Monday 2 January 2023

La la la (deutsch gesungen) - Massiel

Massiel's 'La la la' is often cited as one of the most inane Eurovision winners, because of the title and chorus of the song. Still, if you listen to the verses and the music in the background, you get to appreciate the song more. Personally I have grown to appreciate this song more than Cliff's 'Congratulations', which is actually a less challenging song. 

When I saw this copy in the shop I didn't initially think I should have it, until I saw the little red banner in the lower right corner. Deutsch gesungen? I didn't know Massiel recorded this song in German. It was a no-brainer: of course I had to have this single. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6825
Found: 33|45 Records, Den Haag, 31 December 2022
Tracks: 'La la la (deutsch gesungen)' (Massiel) / 'Spanish step' (Orchester Roberto Delgado)

Figure of eight / Ou est le soleil? - Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney has released a lot of singles during his career. So many, that he decided to release an expensive box set last year, featuring no less than 80 7" singles. There was, of course, a price to match: you could only get the set if you were willing to fork out about 600 euros. That's about 7,5 euros per 7". 

I got this 7" for considerably less. The weird thing about this single is that the B-side (or the AA-side, as it is declared on the disc) is much better than the title track 'Figure of eight'. 'Ou est le soleil' is an inspired piece of throwaway pop, produced by the inimitable Trevor Horn. More tracks like this would have been welcome!

My collection: 7" single no. 6824
Found: 33|45 Records, Den Haag, 31 December 2022
Tracks: 'Figure of eight' / 'Ou est le soleil?'

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