I already own two copies of Maggie MacNeal's 'Amsterdam': the German version and the Dutch version. So I was pleasantly surprised to find yet another version: this time, the French version. Like the other two singles, this one has the English version on the B-side.
It looks like this one completes the set, as no other language versions of this song are known. At least, I don't see them listed on authorative websites. But who knows... a Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Icelandic or Arabian version might be lurking somewhere!
My collection: 7" single no. 5168 Found: Chelsea Records, Antwerpen, June 9, 2011 Cost: 2 euro Tracks: 'Amsterdam (French version)' / 'Amsterdam (English version)'
The Netherlands organised the 1980 Eurovision Song Contest, stepping in for Israel, which had won the Contest twice in a row but were unable to do this in 1980 because of the fact that it was held at a national holiday. The Dutch used the same setup they had used in 1976, after Teach-In had won the 1975 Eurovision Song Contest.
Because of all of this, the Netherlands didn't hold a national final, but instead they elected Maggie MacNeal internally to sing the Dutch entry. During the voting, 'Amsterdam' was in first place for some time, but in the end ranked fifth in a field of 19 participants. The single reached number 33 in the Dutch Top 40, MacNeal's last hit single in the Netherlands.
My collection: 7" single no. 3136 Found: July 24, 1999 Cost: 1 guilder Tracks: 'Amsterdam' / 'Amsterdam (English version)'
Maggie MacNeal represented the Netherlands during the 1980 Eurovision Song Contest with 'Amsterdam'. It was the first Eurovision Song Contest I was allowed to see live. I had seen the 1978 and 1979 editions, but only on video since I was not allowed to stay up that late. But the 1980 edition, held in the Netherlands, was reason enough for my parents to relax the rules a little. The counting of the votes was very exciting: for a while, it seemed that the Netherlands would actually win the contest! In the end, 'Amsterdam' finished fifth and Ireland's Johnny Logan won.
Such was the international appeal of 'Amsterdam', that the record company decided to release alternative versions of the track. In Germany, the record-buying public was treated to 'Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Nur hier bin ich zuhaus)' .
My collection: 7" single no. 3672
Found: Record fair, Utrecht, April 18, 2009
Cost: 4 euro
Tracks: 'Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Nur hier bin ich zu Haus)' / 'Amsterdam (Englische Originalversion)'