Saturday, 8 July 2023

Ljiljana Petrovic - Ljiljana Petrovic

In 1961 Yugoslavia debuted at the Eurovision Song Contest as the first country from Eastern Europe. Back then there was still an iron curtain between the capitalist west en and socialist east. Yugoslavia was always more focused on the Western European countries than other Eastern European countries and joining in on the song competition was one way to get closer to them. 

Petrovic, who was just 21 years old at the time, competed with the song 'Neke davne zvezde' ('Some distant stars') and it was only ever released on this album on 10" vinyl. The album is a bit of a mixed bag, with covers of 'Itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini' and 'Les enfants de Piree' two songs with a 'Cha cha cha' theme and very different sounding songs alltogether. In between the eight songs 'Neke davne zvezde' stands out as a more classic chanson - albeit in the Serbo-Croatian language. The song reached eighth place in a field of 16 competitors.

Petrovic continued to record music until the late 1970s, at which point she retired from public life until the late 1980s, when she became an author, releasing a book of poetry in 1991. She passed away on 4 February 2020.

My collection: 10" vinyl [unnumbered]
Found:, received 23 June 2023
Tracks: 'Deca pireja', 'Jolly Jocker', 'Crni andjeli', 'Mambo cha-cha-cha' / 'Bikini sa zutim tackicama', 'Neke davne zvezde', 'Bongo cha-cha-cha', 'More u kutiji'

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Perfect - The The

Some singles that I never bought are a mystery to me. I was always a fan of The The, ever since I heard 'Uncertain smile', but somehow 'Perfect' never made it into my collection. I think it's because whenever I saw a copy the price was just too high. Even back in the late Eighties and early Nineties, when I discovered record fairs, dealers were charging quite a lot for this early single.

Now that I have a slightly better budget I can afford to buy this single - not least because the price has gone down! I almost bought a European copy but then I was buying a few singles from a UK dealer online and this one popped up. 'Perfect' reached number 79 in the UK singles chart and appeared on the band's 1983 album 'Soul mining'.

My collection: 7" single 7002
Found:, received 17 June 2023
Tracks: 'Perfect' / 'The nature of virtue (version 1)'

Dizzy miss Lizzie - Flying Lizards

A big music collection comes with its own challenges. Over the past few years I have been eliminating certain 7" and 12" singles - most of which are still featured on this blog. I have done so quite carefully: most of the discs I sold or threw out were replaced by CD versions or better copies. After all, who needs sleeves that are written or stickered on? 

Certain 12" singles were only taking up space when there were better versions in smaller formats. This is a good example. I recently sold my 12" single of 'Dizzy miss Lizzie', and the money I got for it went towards finally buying the 7" single! I am pleased to say that the copy I bought is in mint state as well, so I'm quite happy with this particular exchange.

My collection: 7" single no. 7001
Tracks: 'Dizzy miss Lizzie' / 'Dizzy'
Found:, received 17 June 2023

Even it up - Heart

'Even it up' was the next single by Heart, after 'Dog & butterfly', but now released on the Epic label instead of Portrait. It was the first single of the band's fifth album 'Bebe le Strange'. Lyrically it is about a woman who is demanding that her lover "even it up" by reciprocating the effort that she has put forth in their relationship. 

According to Ann Wilson: "That song was written in about '79 or '80, and it was definitely a response to being obstructed as women in the rock field. There are so many systemic things that get thrown up in front of you, different glass walls and stuff. We were speaking out against it then." The single reached number 33  the US Billboard Hot 100 and number 56 in Canada.

My collection: 7" single no. 6999
Found: Record fair, Den Haag, 3 June 2023
Tracks: 'Even it up' / 'Pilot'

Dog & butterfly - Heart

It's quite unusual to find two perfect American 7" singles by the band Heart in between rows of German singles by German artists, but that's exactly what happened this month. Those singles by Heart were also quite unusual: both of them were never hits over here in Europe.

The first one is 'Dog & butterfly', the title track of the band's fourth studio album, released in 1978. Ann Wilson said she was inspired when she looked out a window and saw a dog relentlessly chasing a butterfly. She saw the song as an inspiration when things get tough to "keep going after it." Although it enjoyed only moderate chart success - it reached number 34 in the US Billboard Hot 100 and number 51 in Canada only - the song has remained a setlist staple for Heart consistently through the years. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6998
Found: Record fair, Den Haag, 3 June 2023
Tracks: 'Dog & butterfly' / 'Mistral wind'

Loving you's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it - Bonnie Tyler & Todd Rundgren

Producer Jim Steinman has a penchant for long titles - just think of 'Paradise by the dashboard light', 'You took the words right outta my mouth' and 'Making love out of nothing at all'. 'Loving you's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it' fits into that style, but unfortunately the song itself is not as classic as the other three. Even with experienced vocalists Bonnie Tyler and Todd Rundgren, the single only managed to reach number 73 in the UK singles chart back in December 1985.

This Dutch single came with an image of the painting 'Phyllis and Demophoön' by Edward Burne-Jones.

My collection: 7" single no. 7000
Found: Record fair, Den Haag, 3 June 2023
Tracks: 'Loving you's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it' / 'Under suspicion'

Congratulations - The Mertens Brothers Style

The popularity of the Eurovision Song Contest is easily measured by the amount of cover versions certain songs get. Measured by that criterium, the Sixties and Seventies were certainly the peak of the Contest's popularity. 

'Congratulations', the number 2 song of the 1968 Eurovision Song Contest, was covered by various artists even in the same year. One of those cover versions was this instrumental one by the Mertens Brothers Style, a duo consisting of Albert and Theo Mertens. They recorded several trumpet-based instrumental albums and even one more Eurovision cover: 'Puppet on a string', which will appear in this blog someday as well I would think.

My collection: 7" single no. 6997
Found: Record fair, Den Haag, 3 June 2023
Tracks: 'Congratulations' / 'Jingle march'

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