I've posted a lot of singles by Willy Alberti recently, and that's mainly because I discovered these Eurovision covers by him for reasonable prices. There is still a little bit of Dutch pride within me, that I really wanted to have them all, because unlike his daughter Willeke, he really could sing. At least, that's what these singles seem to prove.
'Romantica' was Italy's 1960 entry to the Eurovision Song Contest - performed by Renato Rascel - and Willy does a very decent version of this song. He manages to sound Italian, as the back cover of this EP attests: "When he visited New York and Philadelphia in December 1959, and performed in theatres and night-clubs there, he astonished even the Italian members of his audiences, who could not believe that he was a Netherlander".
My collection: 7" single no. 6638
Found: Discogs.com, received 22 February 2022
Cost: €3
Tracks: 'Romantica', 'Libero' / 'Quando vien la sera', 'E' mezzanotte'