Saturday, 11 September 2021

Jamas, jamas - Guy Mardel

Guy Mardel was one of many Eurovision artists who recorded his song for the competition in different languages. His 1965 entry 'N'avoue jamais' appeared in Spanish as 'Jamas, jamas'. What's more, he recorded an entire EP in Spanish, as you can see here.

The Spanish version of 'N'avoue jamais' was translated by a certain Salina, who remains otherwise uncredited. The other three songs were translated by a certain Mapel, who also remains unknown to me.  

My collection: 7" single no. 6443
Found:, received 1 September 2021
Cost: 3 euro
Tracks: 'Jamas, jamas', 'Si lloviendo está' / 'La primera vez', 'Sera muy grande el mundo'

Wiedehopf im Mai - Sandie Shaw

I've no idea why Ernst Bader, who provided the German lyric of 'Puppet on a string', decided on 'Hoopoe in May' when he wrote this translation, but that is what 'Wiedehopf im Mai' means.

Sandie Shaw recorded the song in several different languages and I thought this was the last version that I still needed to get as a single. But there is still an Italian version to go...  You may find it on this blog soon.

My collection: 7" single no. 6442
Found:, received 1 September 2021
Cost: 5 euro
Tracks: 'Wiedehopf im Mai' / 'Was kann ich dafur'

Eins zwei drei - Catherine Ferry

I don't know exactly how unusual it is for a French artist to record a German version of their song, but I think it doesn't happen very often. Catherine Ferry does a good job with her German version of '1, 2, 3', the song with which she represented France during the Eurovision Song Contest. I think she pronounces everything just right - although German readers and listeners may think otherwise. I do think it is a pity she didn't bother to record a German version of the B-side, 'Petit Jean', as well.

There is a Spanish version of this song as well, but from what I've seen the sellers seem to want more for it than I am willing to pay. So I guess I'll have to be patient. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6441
Found:, received 1 September 2021
Cost: 5 euro
Tracks: 'Eins, zwei, drei' / 'Petit Jean'

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Sámiid Aednan - Sverre Kjelsberg & Mattis Haetta

The Norwegian entry for the Eurovision Song Contest in 1980 was 'Sámiid Aednan', and I found that single seven years ago after a long search. I didn't know at the time, but there was also this version of the single, featuring an English version of the song on the B-side. This pressing comes from Portugal, although a Scandinavian version also exists. 

Sverre Kjelsberg was found dead in his home in June 2016. Mattis Haetta is still alive and has worked in pantomimes and yoiks in Alta, Kautokeino and Luleå. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6440
Found:, received 1 September 2021
Cost: 9 euro
Tracks: 'Sámiid Aednan' / 'Sámidd Earth'

Need your love so bad - Fleetwood Mac

Strictly speaking, I already had 'Need your love so bad' on a single, as it appeared on the flipside of 'Albatross', a single I bought some time ago. But this is the original version that reached the charts in 1968 and predates 'Albatross' by four months. 

The song was originally recorded by Little Willie John in 1955. When Fleetwood Mac recorded the song, producer Mike Vernon suggested adding strings to the track. It was also Vernon who contacted Mickey Baker, who provided the guitar on John's original version, to write an orchestral score for the song. The single became a minor hit in the UK (peaking at number 31) but reached number 7 in the Dutch Top 40. A much longer version of the track appeared on the 2002 compilation album 'The Best Of Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac'. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6439
Found: Flea market, Voorburg, 29 August 2021
Cost: 1 euro
Tracks: 'Need your love so bad' / 'Stop messin' round'

Friday, 27 August 2021

Eurovision '69 - Various artists

In 1969, the Eurovision Song Contest was organized in Spain, after Massiel's controversial win in 1968. The Spanish record company Belter did a lot to promote the event: various entries were released in attractive themed sleeves (See this one, for instance) and this EP is further evidence. 

A few things are interesting about this EP: all four songs are in Spanish. Ivan & M's (a.k.a. M4) and Frida Boccara recorded these Spanish versions themselves - and they were also released on separate singles - but since there was no Spanish version of 'Desfolhada Portguesa' by Simone, it was recorded by a certain Madalena Iglesias, a Portuguese actress and singer who actually represented her country in 1966 with the song 'Ele e ela'. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6438
Found:, received 12 August 2021
Cost: 4 euro
Tracks: 'Vivo cantando' (Salomé), 'Desfolhada Portuguesa' (Madalena Iglesias) / 'Un dia, un niño' (Frida Boccara), 'Saludos al mundo' (Ivan & M's)

Los dias del arco iris - Nicola di Bari

Just two years ago I got 'I giorni dell'arcobaleno', a single by Nicola di Bari and his Eurovision entry from 1972. It's a beautiful song, and I was interested when I saw that Nicola also recorded this song in Spanish. The music is still as beautiful, the lyrics - obviously - sound different. 

Have a listen to the B-side as well, though. 'Vagabundo' does not appear on that other single, not even in the Italian version, and it's a strong song that would not have been out of place on the Eurovision stage as well. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6437
Found:, received 12 August 2021
Cost: 3 euro
Tracks: 'Los dias del arco iris' / 'Vagabundo'

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