Saturday, 1 February 2025

Angie - Rolling Stones

As far as classics go, the Rolling Stones' 'Angie' qualifies as a real classic. Back in the Eighties, when I was listening to the Top 100 of all times on Veronica Radio, this song was in the top 10, and I think it should be there still if anyone compiles a list. Not because I am so Rolling Stones-minded - quite the contrary! - but it says something when a song like this appeals even to someone like me, who doesn't really like whatever this band did. (There are exceptions, of course, and they are all on this blog.)

'Angie' was also the hardest Rolling Stones single to find - because of its status as a classic. You have to get lucky and find a decent copy for a reasonable price. So last month, I was finally lucky. Sexy cover, too. Probably won't hold up on those prude American media.

My collection: 7" single no. 7533
Found: Record fair, Amsterdam, 19 January 2025
Tracks: 'Angie' / 'Silver train'

1 comment:

  1. Download blocked by Mediafire. Try Swisstransfer instead.


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