This 12" single was released as a numbered limited edition, this being number 3608. The edition must have been 5000 or 10,000 copies. Besides the free colour poster included in the package, this 12" was notable for its cover version of 'Silver song', a track originally recorded by the folk group Mellow Candle. As you can hear in the video below, the original is also a beautiful recording, but it can't hold a candle (sorry for that pun) to All about Eve's beautiful cover.
Much of the appeal of the cover version has to be attributed to Julianne Regan's beautiful and passionate voice. I hear she is recording an album with The Mission's Wayne Hussey, so finally there's something to look forward to.
My collection: 12" single no. 112 Found: Wreckastow, Rotterdam, 1991 Cost: 20 guilders Tracks: 'Farewell mr. Sorrow', 'Silver song' / 'Elizabeth of glass', 'All the rings round Saturn'
Any chance of a repost of D for Desire? It's no longer available... Cheers, P@ndora