The time has come - Mike Oldfield featuring Anita Hegerland
I bought this single with an information sheet from the German record company which released this single on November 9, 1987. According to this, Mike Oldfield employed the Norwegian ex-child star Anita Hegerland on lead vocals for 'The time has come'. 'Voll geschmeidiger Kraft interpretiert sie das spannungsreiche, melodische 'The time has come', fur dessen Sphärensound auch Michael Cretu as co-produzent verantwortlich zeichnet.'
Or, as Google Translate tells us: 'Full supple strength she interprets the tension-filled, melodic 'The time has come' records, for the spheres sound even as co-producer Michael Cretu responsible.' You've got to love automatic translators.
My collection: 7" single no. 4806 Found: Record fair, Utrecht, April 10, 2010 Cost: 0,5 euro Tracks: 'The time has come' / 'North point'
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