The A-side, 'Als er iemand is, die op je wacht' ('If there's someone waiting for you') describes the joy of having a relationship - and sharing all the good and bad things in life. The B-side, 'Oma is jarig' ('Grandma's birthday') describes a birthday party of a woman whose children and grandchildren will come to visit. Especially on the B-side, there's still an air of impending doom. You half expect Grandma to die at the end of the song - but strangely, it doesn't happen. Maybe it was an effort to make something more commercially appealing. Of course, it didn't work: like all of Annie's other singles, this one didn't chart.
My collection: 7" single no. 2871
Found: Record fair, Amsterdam, September 16, 1995
Cost: 5 guilders
Tracks: 'Als er iemand is, die op je wacht' / 'Oma is jarig'
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