Frazier Chorus were an unconventional band, as they didn't have a drummer, guitarist and bassist. Tim Freeman, who wrote most of the songs, semi-whispered the vocals, Kate Holmes played the flute, Chris Taplin played clarinet and keyboards and Michele Allardyce played the bongos. Still, they made very danceable music, as evidenced in this single, 'Dream kitchen', released in the first week of 1989.
I don't remember it, but I must have seen the video of this song. I wouldn't know why I bought this single in October of 1989. It's a purchase I never regretted, because I bought lots of Frazier Chorus records since then.
My collection: 7" single no. 1081
Found: Record Exchange, London, October 19, 1989
Cost: 1 pound
Tracks: 'Dream kitchen' / 'Down'
I don't have any Frazier chorus' records but i remember i loved 4 songs of the group (Dream Kitchen, Sloppy Heart, Typical, Cloud 8)