Thursday, 23 April 2020

Brandenburger Tor - Ketil Stokkans Pop Band

The Eurovision Song Contest suffered a bit after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. Suddenly songs about freedom and happiness ran rampant, and every country wanted to profit from the glee that suddenly engulfed Europe. This is how we got 'Keine Mauern mehr', 'Frei zu leben' and the terrible winner of 1990, 'Insieme'.

Even Norway went along: they sent in Ketil Stokkan with the shameless song, dedicated to that famous Norwegian landmark 'Brandenburger Tor'. But at least, this was a rather funny song. At least, it sounded funny because Norwegian is hard to understand, so the only surviving lyric for foreign ears was that very title. It didn't help matters much: at the close of voting, Ketil ended up in a shared last place in a field of 22 competitors. The single, meanwhile, is incredibly rare, so I was glad to get my hands on a copy.

My collection: 7" single no. 6278
Found:, received April 23, 2020
Tracks: 'Brandenburger Tor (Norsk version)' / 'Brandenburger Tor (English version)'

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Kids in America - Lawnmower Deth

I was familiar, of course, with the cover version of 'Kids in America' by Lawnmower Deth, released in 1991. I bought the cd single somewhere in the 1990's and even bought the album 'Billy' with the same track on it. This 7" single, however, is a recent discovery. For all this time I believed the track was never released on this format. So when I spotted it online recently, I got hold of it rather quickly, thanks to a Belgian seller.

It is amusing to note that this version is Kim Wilde's own favourite, and she went on to record 'F U Kristmas' with the band a few years ago, as well as performing live with them. Their loud music is offset by the fact that they don't really take themselves very seriously.

My collection: 7" single no. 6277
Found:, received April 18, 2020
Cost: 8 euro
Tracks: 'Kids in America' / 'Bone yank blisters'

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Frank Boeijen - Twee gezichten

The last few vinyl singles by Frank Boeijen have become rare oddities. Released in 1992, this is one of them. 'Twee gezichten' ('Two faces') was released in Belgium in an edition of a few thousand copies, and they're almost impossible to get hold of nowadays.

I actually own the Dutch pressing of this single, but this one is special for the fact that it has a different sleeve and a live cover of Leonard Cohen's 'Suzanne' in Dutch. Frank's version was recorded for the Dutch TV programme Rotland, broadcast a few months before the release of this single. Confusingly, that track also appears on the B-side of the Dutch single 'Ze geeft om mij'.

My collection: 7" single no. 6276
Found:, received April 8, 2020
Cost: 10 euro
Tracks: 'Twee gezichten' / 'Suzanne (live)'

Eurovision medley - Esperanto

With an ever growing Eurovision collection, it is inevitable to stumble upon some strange and rare oddities. This single represents a Nineties take on various Eurovision classics, with all the hallmarks of a cheap Nineties production. The Belgian ensemble seems to consist of M. Lossso, D. Huppermans and R. Marino, who remain rather anonymous.

The songs included in this medley are 'Insieme (1992)', 'Waterloo', 'Puppet on a string', 'Non ho l'eta', 'Hold me now', 'Poupée de cire, poupée de son', Hallelujah', 'Merci chérie', 'Ein Bisschen Frieden', 'Apres toi', 'Save all your kisses for me' and 'J'aime la vie'.

My collection: 7" single no. 6275
Found:, received April 8, 2020
Cost: 3 euro
Tracks: 'Eurovision medley' / 'Get up and dance'

No estas solo - Patricia Kraus

Patricia Kraus was born on January 4, 1964 in Milan, Italy as the daughter of Alfredo Kraus, a Spanish tenor. She was selected to represent Spain during the Eurovision Song Contest in 1987 with 'No estas solo'. As you can hear, the song is a bit messy and really doesn't go anywhere. No wonder, then, that it finished in 19th place in a field of 22 competitors.

Kraus released her first self-titled album shortly after her Eurovision appearance. Further albums followed, including two of experimental electronica in collaboration with Daniel Assante, which were critically well-received although modest sellers. In 1999 she formed the group Waxbeat with Juan Belda and Juan Gómez Acebo, and two albums were released. Kraus, along with Assante and Italian musicians Enrico Barbaro and Gherardo Catanzaro, is currently working under the name of Vintage Club Band.

My collection: 7" single no. 6274
Found:, received April 8, 2020
Cost: 5 euro
Tracks: 'No estas solo' / 'With love'

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Wuthering heights / The man with the child in his eyes - Kate Bush

There's not much to write about Kate Bush that hasn't already been written a thousand times. She is undoubtedly one of the most talented women to have appeared on the music scene in the last century and her music is likely to last for decades to come.

Old Gold was quick to realize this when they released this double A-sided single featuring her first two hit singles in 1983, just five years after they were originally released. 'Wuthering heights' and 'The man with the child in his eyes' appear on this disc in their original single versions, which for the latter is quite unique, as that version has rarely appeared on a physical format since.

My collection: 7" single no. 6154
Found:, received August 9, 2019
Cost: 2 pounds
Tracks: 'Wuthering heights' / 'The man with the child in his eyes'

No more lonely nights - Paul McCartney

Even a music legend can't get it right every time. Paul McCartney has been a victim of ridicule for his single 'We all stand together', the syrupy duet 'Ebony and ivory' and even his treatment of his deluxe editions of past albums, where digital files were sometimes favoured over physical releases.

A more personal example of failure for me is the extended version of 'No more lonely nights'. It is one of my favourite McCartney tracks, but the ballad version - present here on the B-side - is many times better than the so-called 'playout version'. And then there's the extended version... what a mess! I wanted to hear this version, which was my reason for buying this 12" single, but it turned out to be a disappointment. It will probably be up for sale soon. Any takers?

My collection: 12" single [unnumbered]
Found: Chelsea Records, Antwerpen, January 24, 2020
Cost: 5 euro
Tracks: 'No more lonely nights (extended version)' / 'Silly love songs', 'No more lonely nights (ballad)'
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