Saturday, 28 March 2020

No more winds to guide me - Maywood

In 1990, the Dutch duo Maywood participated in the Eurovision Song Contest with 'Ik wil alles met je delen'. It was their attempt to win back some of the popularity they had in the first half of the Eighties. Although the international audience probably didn't understand the sentimental and frankly trite lyrics, it didn't do the song any favours.

This English version of the song, 'No more winds to guide me' at least features better lyrics. The single was released internationally, but didn't achieve chart success. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6273
Found:, received March 25, 2020
Cost: 5 euro
Tracks: 'No more winds to guide me' / 'I was born to love you'

Popcorn - Jam

This single is actually quite exciting for me, because it is the first time that I bought a single on the BASF label. We all know this manufacturer of tapes and such, but I've never actually seen a 7" single with a BASF label.

And then there is the track: another cover version of Gershon Kingsley's 'Popcorn'. There are so many versions of this single, and I just love adding to my collection for some reason.

Then there is the artist. According to the sleeve, this is 'the big hit from France'. Knowing that Kingsley was a German-American composer, we have to assume that Jam is a band from France. Assume, because there is no information about Jam. Just that this is one of only two singles they released. The other one? 'Jingle bells'....

My collection: 7" single no. 6270
Found:, received March 25, 2020
Cost: 3 euro
Tracks: 'Popcorn' / 'Ecco'

The woman and the girl in me - Kate

I already bought the original Norwegian version of 'The woman and the girl in me' by Kate, titled 'Mitt liv', six month ago. But while ordering some singles this German pressing turned up and I couldn't resist buying this.

So what happened to Kate after Eurovision? She performed the song 'Welcome to Lillehammer' at the 1994 Winter Olympics. Then in 1998, Jørn Hansen's 'Med gullet for øyet' was the official song for the Paralympic Winter Games in Nagano in Japan in 1998.

She was previously married and took the surname Gulbrandsen Syversen. The couple had one child together and separated in 2006.

My collection: 7" single no. 6269
Found:, received March 25, 2020
Cost: 3 euro
Tracks: 'The woman and the girl in me' / 'Touch my fantasy'

Liebe gibt und nimmt - Corinne Hermès

In 1983, Luxembourg managed to win the Eurovision Song Contest with the song 'Si la vie est cadeau', performed by Corinne Hermès. I remember seeing the programme live - it was one of the first times that I was allowed to stay up until the end - and wondering why this song, out of all the songs that were performed that night, was rewarded with the prize.

This single presents the song in German and English. It is a nice curiosity, but listening to these two versions I am strengthened in my opinion that this really isn't a good composition. It's hard to listen to the cold, emotionless vocals of Hermès and the lyrics do little to improve the song. If it were me, any of the runners up would have been better winners.

My collection: 7" single no. 6272
Found:, received March 25, 2020
Cost: 5 euro
Tracks: 'Liebe gibt und nimmt' / 'Words of love'

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Popcorn - Orchester Volkmar Schmidt

Now that many countries are in some form of isolation, either self-isolated or instructed by their respective governments, there may be some sense of what people in the German Democratic Republic were going through for some decades after World War II. Despite their disappearance behind the iron curtain, music penetrated the country, either as performed by the original artists or as a cover version.

This single, released by state record company Amiga features a cover version of the popular Gershon Kingsley tune Popcorn, as performed by the Orchester Volkmar Schmidt. It was one of the singles I received in a package of six today. I'm glad that despite all the quarantines, international mail is still functioning.

My collection: 7" single no. 6270
Found:, received March 25, 2020
Cost: 3 euro

Tracks: 'Popcorn' (Orchester Volkmar Schmidt) / 'Eine neue Liebe ist wie ein neues Leben' (Peter Albert & Orchester Günter Gollasch)

Kiss me - Marty Wilde

I've already got a lot of singles by Marty Wilde - you have seen them on this blog no doubt - but there are still some missing. For instance, this one. 'Kiss me' was released in 1964. After having been signed to Philips for years, he switched labels in the early Sixties, for an unsuccessful run of singles on the Columbia label.

Unsuccessful in terms of chart success, because artistically these songs stand the test of time very well. Both sides of this single were written by Wilde himself, and recorded with his own backing band, the Wild Cats.

My collection: 7" single no. 6267
Found:, received March 20, 2020
Cost: 7 pounds
Tracks: 'Kiss me' / 'My what a woman'

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Sensitive - Mick Karn

I already owned a 7" single and a 12" single of 'Sensitive' by Mick Karn, but this latest addition is a recent discovery. Much to my surprise, this Dutch pressing of the single features a remix version of the track - a different remix from the one that appeared on the 12", surprisingly enough. While the 12" version has a duration of 4 minutes and 15 seconds, this single version is half a minute shorter and also appears to have been released some time after the single's original release. And of course, it has a slightly different sleeve!

You can understand this was the latest addition to my ever expanding 'Wilde' collection, because both sides of this single were produced and mixed by Mick Karn and Ricky Wilde.

My collection: 7" single no. 6266
Found:, received March 19, 2020
Cost: 3 euro
Tracks: 'Sensitive (remix)' / 'The sound of waves'

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