Saturday, 5 February 2022

Love is blue (L'amour est bleu) - Ted Heath and his music

Received on the same day as the version by Santo & Johnny, here's another cover version of 'L'amour est bleu'. Ted Heath led what is widely considered Britain's greatest post-war big band, recording more than 100 albums, which sold over 20 million copies. They were the most successful band in Britain during the 1950s.

Their version of 'L'amour est bleu'  was released in 1968 - a year after Vicky Leandros' performance at the Eurovision Song Contest. Ted Heath died the year after that, in 1969. His band remained in existence, surviving his passing until 2000.

My collection: 7" single no. 6616
Found:, received 21 January 2022
Cost: 30 SEK
Tracks: 'Love is blue (L'amour est bleu)' / 'Cherokee'

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