Tuesday, 22 October 2024

So young - The Corrs

In January I posted a 7" single by the Corrs on this blog for the first time ('Little lies / Songbird'), and I'm glad to be able to add another one from their Nineties heydays. 'So young' was released in 1998, after the song was remixed by K-Klass. The track was taken from the album Talk on corners, which became popular after the band scored a hit with a cover of the Fleetwood Mac song 'Dreams'. 

The B-side of this single features the title track of their debut album, Forgiven not forgotten. Coincidentally that is the song that made me discover the band, and which prompted me to buy the album. It's nice to have the song on 7" vinyl finally.

My collection: 7" single no. 7388
Found: Music & Video Exchange, London, 20 October 2024
Tracks: 'So young (K-Klass remix)' / 'Forgiven not forgotten'

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