Friday, 28 June 2024

Paradise - Sade

In Spain, promotional singles were often made in a special edition of only one side. The B-side remained blank, and for some people, including me, that means they are desirable collector's items. I try to not go overboard with this, because there are limits to my budget, but every now and then I like to order some of these beauties. 

Sade released 'Paradise' in 1988, a track from her third album Stronger than pride. It was remixed for the single release, because the album version was a bit too long. This single has - you guessed it - one side, but the sleeve remains the same as the commercial one, announcing an instrumental version of 'Paradise' on the B-side. I guess DJ's could do without it.

My collection: 7" single no. 7238
Found:, received 26 June 2024
Tracks: 'Paradise (remix)'

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