Saturday, 14 January 2023

Biały Krzyż - Czerwone gitary

Although most Polish singles I've posted here are from the Eighties, here is something from the Sixties. Czerwone gitary is a Polish rock/pop band, founded in 1965, which had its biggest outside success in the German Democratic Republic. In Poland known as Czerwone Gitary (Red Guitars), they performed numerous songs in German as well and consequently released them using a German name, Rote Gitarren. 

'Biały Krzyż' was released in 1968. Back then the band consisted of Seweryn Krajewski (guitar, keyboards, lead vocals), Bernard Dornowski (guitar, vocals), Jerzy Skrzypczyk (drums, vocals) and Krzysztof Klenczon (guitar, harmonica). Remarkably, their last album was released in 2015 and they are still touring.

My collection: 7" single no. 6837
Found: Received 7 January 2023
Tracks: 'Biały Krzyż' / 'Deszcz Jesienny'

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