Saturday, 10 December 2022

Brylanty - Izabela Trojanowska

Izabela Trojanowska was born on 22 April 1955 in Olsztyn (Poland). She managed to create two successful careers almost synchronously: as an actress and as a singer. Her debut album 'Iza' was released in 1981, followed by 'Układy' the next year. This single, 'Brylanty', is taken from that second album, which is described as synthpop and new wave - an accurate description as far as I can tell.

What's amazing, is that this lady is still going strong. She still plays live, performs in movies and TV series and acts as a coach in the Polish version of The Voice Senior. From what I can gather online, she still has the looks too. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6811
Found: Received 21 November 2022
Tracks: 'Brylanty' / 'Nic naprawdę'

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