Saturday, 1 February 2020

Muzika i ti - Tereza Kesovija

Several years after releasing Doći Ćeš Sam - the EP that included a Eurovision cover - Tereza Kesovija made it to the Eurovision stage herself. She represented Yugoslavia during the 1972 edition with 'Muzika i ti' ('Music and you'), a pleasant little song in which Kesovija sings that music and her lover are the two things in which she has found happiness.

At the close of voting, the song had received 87 points, placing 9th in a field of 18 competitors.

My collection: 7" single no. 6255
Found:, received January 24, 2020
Cost: 5 euro
Tracks: 'Muzika i ti' / 'Prvi cvijet'

1 comment:

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