Saturday, 1 February 2020

Doći Ćeš Sam - Tereza Kesovija

I haven't suddenly developed an interest in folk music from Yugoslavia, although this single certainly serves up some of the Balkan nation's loudest and most unnerving tracks. The title track, 'Doći Ćeš Sam' isn't very friendly to these Western European ears, but that isn't why I bought this EP anyway.

Track one on side B is called 'Još Mnogo Jače' and is a cover version of 'Bien plus fort', the Monegasque entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1966. I was interested to get this one as part of a bigger online order from Serbia. 

My collection: 7" single no. 6252
Found:, received January 24, 2020
Cost: 3 euro
Tracks: 'Doći Ćeš Sam', 'Tad Podimo' / '
Još Mnogo Jače', 'Madre mia'

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