Wednesday, 22 January 2020

J'veux d'la tendresse - Elton John

I don't know if many people know that Elton John recorded a French song. 'J'veux d'la tendresse' was written by Jean-Paul Dréau and released by the female singer Janic Prevost in 1980. While on holiday in St. Tropez, Elton heard the song and asked his lyricist Gary Osborne to write English lyrics to the melody. That song became 'Nobody wins'.

However, Elton also recorded the song with the original French lyrics. I didn't know this myself until it recently popped up during a search in the database of the same dealer that sent me 'Rock and roll crazy'. It's always better to buy more than one single if you're paying for postage anyway, so I did. And I do think this version is better than the English one.

My collection: 7" single no. 6234
Found:, received January 8, 2020
Cost: 2 euro
Tracks: 'J'veux d'la tendresse' / 'Fools in fashion'

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't released in Portugal but Elton John's "Je veux de la tendresse'" made the top 20 of "TNT-Todos No Top", a portuguese radio show, in 1981.
