Monday, 24 June 2019

I want to be a tree - Tim Pope

In the golden age of music television (circa 1983-1985), Sky Channel and Music Box reigned supreme and they had a way of showing great music videos from famous and less famous stars. The holy trinity of 'funny' music videos was Alexei Sayle's ''Ullo John, gotta new motor?', King Kurt's 'Mack the Knife' and Tim Pope's 'I want to be a tree'.

It took me some time to find the former two, but Tim Pope's single always remained elusive. And even when the internet made the acquisition of singles easier, this one remained very expensive and thus out of my reach. Prices have now come down a little, so finally after 35 years I can own this single. It was never a hit, but the famous music video director - who worked with The Cure amongst others - still has his own fan club, apparently. The demand for this single still outperforms the supply. And perhaps you have to see the video of this song to fully appreciate its weirdness.

My collection: 7" single no. 6128
Found:, received June 24, 2019
Cost: 8 euro
Tracks: 'I want to be a tree' / 'The double-crossing of two-faced Fred'

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