Sunday, 9 June 2019

Cry - Godley & Creme

Picture discs can be very attractive when they are done well, and they are even more attractive when the sleeve is done even better. Such is the case with this picture disc of 'Cry' by Godley & Creme. You can not see it so well on this scan, but the transparent sleeve has five black squares and the disc contains the eight images that fit inbetween.

Of course I already had a copy of 'Cry', but I can never resist a good thing when I see it. And so, here's another copy of the single - but you'll have to agree that this one is a big improvement on the other one.

My collection: 7" single no. 4637 (2)
Found: Chelsea Records, Antwerpen, May 24, 2019
Cost: 2 euro
Tracks: 'Cry' / 'Love bombs'

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