Saturday, 4 May 2019

Jerusalem - The Divine Comedy

This single features three different bands, but my reason for buying was undoubtedly the band featured on the A-side: The Divine Comedy. I own most of their albums (the earliest one are still hard to find) and most of their singles (again, the earliest ones are hard to find) so this is a nice addition. 'Jerusalem' also appeared on the Divine Comedy's debut mini album 'Europop'.

The other bands on this EP are A House and The Frank And Walters, also signed to the Setanta label. The two tracks on the B-side didn't grab me much - but perhaps you like them.

My collection: 7" single no. 6058
Found:, received May 3, 2019
Cost: 2 pounds
Tracks: 'Jerusalem' (The Divine Comedy) / 'I lied' (A House), 'Daisy chain' (The Frank And Walters)

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