Monday, 17 November 2014

Pull up to the bumper - Grace Jones

When you talk about limited edition singles, the poster sleeve is another nice giveaway used by record companies to boost sales. Grace Jones is probably the most unlikely poster girl around. The photograph on the cover of this single is replicated as a 21" x 14" poster inside, and although it is a provocative pose, I wouldn't exactly choose this as a decoration on my wall.

The music, fortunately, is for listening, and listening well. Both 'Pull up to the bumper' and 'La vie en rose' have been big hits for Grace Jones in 1981 and 1977 respectively, and this package sought to capitalize on the big success of 'Slave to the rhythm' in 1985. The strategy worked: this single got to number 12, which was the exact same peak position as 'Slave to the rhythm' a few months earlier.

My collection: 7" single no. 5407
Found: unknown
Tracks: 'Pull up to the bumper' / 'La vie en rose'

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