Friday, 18 November 2011

Feedback - Janet Jackson

You can't fault a catchy tune, even if the lyric reads 'Do you like my style / Yeah that's sexy, sexy, sexy'. It's one indication that the album 'Discipline', which 'Feedback' was taken from, would have at least one or two songs about sex on it. The fact of the matter is, the whole album was full of sexual undertones - and overtones, come to think of it. Janet likes to profile herself as being very sexy, and the song lyrics she writes are often very sexy too.

This double 12" single set features a, well, sexy photograph of Janet Jackson on the cover, and includes six remixes of the track, created by four different remixers. It's pretty good stuff. I would say it's all pretty sexy.

My collection: 12" single no. 600
Found:, received November 1, 2011
Cost: 5 euro
Tracks: 'Feedback (Moto Blanco full vocal)' / 'Feedback (Wideboys club)', 'Feedback (Jody den Broeder club)' // 'Feedback (Ralphi Rosario Dirty club)' / 'Feedback (Moto Blanco dub)', 'Feedback (Wideboys dub)'

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