Saturday, 30 July 2011

Since yesterday - Strawberry Switchblade

This 12" single of Strawberry Switchblade's biggest hit 'Since yesterday' features three tracks - and no extended version of the title track as one would expect in 1984.

Oddly enough, an extended version of the track does exist, but I don't know when and where it was originally released. Nonetheless, this disc is interesting for the two B-sides, which are as charming as anything this colourful Scottish duo have released. I.e. very.

My collection: 12" single no. 306
Found: Big Company Records, London, October 1996
Cost: 2,5 pounds
Tracks: 'Since yesterday' / 'Sunday morning', 'By the sea'

1 comment:

  1. The extended version of 'Since yesterday' has been released on a 1997 Japanese CD release. Here's the link to Discogs website for the details of the CD:
