Sunday, 25 October 2009

Uri - Achinoam Nini

This is a very rare one-sided 12" promo from Israel, which I got to buy through eBay a few years ago. The disc contains an early version of the song 'Uri' as recorded by Achinoam Nini, or Noa as she is better known in the rest of the world. Although this version is very different from the 'Uri' that appeared on her subsequent cd's, when I reported this track to Noa's webmaster at the time, he replied that no earlier version of 'Uri' was ever recorded. Well, I think this is proof enough, don't you?

Noa went on to become a big name in the worldwide 'world music' circuit. She's recorded three studio albums in Hebrew and five in English, plus several live albums. More recently, she represented Israel together with Mira Awad during the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest.

My collection: 12" single no. 517
Found:, received 2001
Cost: 20 guilders
Tracks: 'Uri'

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