Friday, 11 September 2009

Book of days - Enya

Inside the dark castle

Nicky Ryan enters the dark castle, a gloomy place where few people ever dare to enter.
'Enya? Enya? Where are you?'
A dark rumbling comes from afar, a cough, a rattle, and then a deep, dark voice sounds from across the hall.
-'Who the hell is that?'
'It's Nicky. Enya? I've got a request...'
- 'Go away, I want to sleep', comes the answer, and another coughing fit ensues.
'But I got a call from the record company. They want you to record some vocals for this movie soundtrack.'
- 'Vocals? Are you mad?', rumbles the voice. 'Do you think I still have that same voice I had ten years ago? Now where did I keep my fags and my whiskey...'
'Enya, please. We could make a good deal of money on this.'
- 'But I can't, I just can't. Listen to me, man! You really think I could pull it off with this? I sound like Tom Waits or Marianne Faithfull...'
Nicky sighs. The darkness of the castle makes him depressed. 'Maybe you're right... But if we slow down the music, perhaps...? '
A silence.
Then: 'How much money are we talking about?'

Exclusively on this blog: the original version of 'Book of days', as recorded in Enya's dark castle.

My collection: 7" single no.1731 (pictured above)
Found: Virgin Megastore, London, October 17, 1992
Cost: 1 pound
Tracks: 'Book of days' / 'As baile'

My collection: 7" single no. 2239 (pictured below)
Found: Record fair, February 18, 1995
Cost: 3 guilders
Tracks: 'Book of days' / 'On your shore'


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey MOV, Did anyone made a biography of Enya's life? I think you should be the writer of it. You know history as it has been.

    Maybe you also know the story about Enya's gig at the Oscars. She sang May it be!, was it really her?

  3. There are people who try to turn the bad things in our world into good and there are the ones who try to turn the good things into bad. You're certainly one of the latter ones.

  4. ...and then there are those with a sense of humour. But you're definately not one of them!!
