Monday, 17 August 2009

Another brick in the wall (live) - Roger Waters featuring Cyndi Lauper

Soon after the wall in Berlin came down, Roger Waters staged a live concert together with a lot of other pop stars, playing the entire Pink Floyd double album 'The Wall'. It was one of the largest concerts ever, with 350,000 people in the audience and 52 countries broadcasting the event live. While earning back the money invested from the sale of the cd and video releases of the concert, the original plan was to donate all profits past his initial investment to the Memorial Fund for Disaster Relief. This fund incurred heavy losses, and when the charity was wound up, the audio and video sales rights returned to Roger Waters himself.

'Another brick in the wall' was the only single release from the concert. It featured Cyndi Lauper on vocals, giving it a somewhat quirky feel. The single did not become a hit.

My collection: 7" single no. 1357
Found: Free Record Shop, December 1, 1990
Cost: 6 guilders
Tracks: 'Another brick in the wall (live)' / 'Run like hell (live)'

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