Saturday, 4 July 2009

She's out of my life - Michael Jackson

It's hard to believe now, but 20 years ago, when you wanted to hear a song and not be dependent of radio stations, you actually had to buy records. You could also opt for cd's, but since my money resources were limited, I usually bought singles. And this is how I ended up with this single from the 'Hall of fame' series by Epic Records.

'She's out of my life' was an old song from 1980, which I did not have. I really wanted to have it, and while I am usually searching for picture sleeves, in this instance I made do with this release. Even if it didn't look that attractive, and even if the B-side was already part of my collection. These days, most people just download tracks somewhere. Life has become so much easier.

My collection: 7" single no. 1079
Found: HMV, London, October 19, 1989
Cost: 2 pounds
Tracks: 'She's out of my life' (Michael Jackson) / 'Lovely one' (Jacksons)

1 comment:

  1. Coincidentally, I just uploaded this song on my iTunes from the HIstory album. I just got a yearning to listen to this song, and realised that it was not amongst the MJ ballads on my iTunes. The production of the early 80s hits was just impeccable! Although you are right to say that things are so convenient today when people just download the mp3s when they buy music online, they miss out the fun we had in the past to go search for it at the (mercy of the) record store which profit from our passion. And more importantly, that tactile pleasure of holding the record, after we found it, with the sleeve (design) protecting the vinyl - that feeling, is priceless.
