Thursday, 9 July 2009

Glow - Rick James

Rick James scored his second and last top 10 hit in the Netherlands with the 1985 single 'Glow'. The single did not chart in the UK. It was an almost megalomaniac piece of work, with lots of solos and clocking in at 5 minutes and 40 seconds.

James' last hit was 'Loosey's Rap' in 1989. It all went downhill from there, as he descended into a drug- and crimefilled Nineties. On the morning of August 6, 2004, Rick James was found dead in his home by his caretaker. James had died as a result of his various health conditions of diabetes, stroke, a pacemaker, and a heart attack. Through his autopsy it was discovered he was under the influence of five different drugs, including marijuana and cocaine, at the time of his death.

My collection: 7" single no. 353
Found: Free Record Shop, Den Haag, 1985
Cost: 3 guilders
Tracks: 'Glow' / 'Glow (instrumental)'

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