Friday, 31 July 2009

Everything has rhythm - Frizzle Sizzle

I've had the single of Frizzle Sizzle's 1986 Eurovision entry 'Alles heeft ritme' for more than 10 years now. Since I bought this Dutch version in London, it's only fair that I should find the English version of the single in the Netherlands. Well, guess what: I did.

I wasn't even sure an English-language single existed, even though I was aware of an English version being recorded. 'Everything has rhythm' went the same way a lot of Eurovision singles abroad did: right to the discount bin, never into the charts in other countries. It is a nice version, with all the naivity that only young girls can put into their vocals.

My collection: 7" single no. 3906
Found: Songs for sale, Rotterdam, July 31, 2009
Cost: 2 euro
Tracks: 'Everything has rhythm' / 'Alles heeft ritme'

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