Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Nearly there - One 2 Many

It's interesting how maintaining this blog has influenced me to buy more singles lately. The 7" single format has always had a special attraction to me, but I thought I'd reached the point where I have everything I wanted to have. But there are some strange omissions in my collection, and this particular one came to my attention recently just by working on this blog!

'Nearly there' was the third single from One 2 Many's only album 'Mirror'. I described the 12" single a few months ago, and that's when I found out that I don't have the single. Well, that error has been corrected now: a friendly dealer on eBay sold me the record and I received it today. I think I have all the One 2 Many singles now!

My collection: 7" single no. 3790
Found: eBay.co.uk, received June 23, 2009
Cost: 2 pounds
Tracks: 'Nearly there' / 'In my heart'

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