Sunday, 14 June 2009

Love is just the great pretender - Animal Nightlife

Animal Nightlife originally released 'Love is just the great pretender' in 1984. When this single did not chart and the follow-up 'Mr. Solitaire' did, the band decided to have the track remixed and released it as 'Love is just the great pretender '85'. This did the trick: the single climbed up the chart and peaked at number 28.

The B-side of this single is an instrumental track that fits into Sade's catalogue seamlessly. Or did I already make that comparison before?

My collection: 7" single no. 2597
Found: Grammofoonwinkel, Utrecht, December 12, 1995
Cost: 2 guilders
Tracks: 'Love is just the great pretender '85' / 'Basic ingredients'

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