Saturday 20 June 2009

Belangrijk nieuws van Louise Tucker

'Belangrijk nieuws van Louise Tucker' ('Important news from Louise Tucker') is a promotional 7" single from the Netherlands. It offers a fascinating insight in the world of the music business in 1983. The single, which can only be played on one side, contains a short greeting by Louise Tucker himself, followed by the original recording of 'Midnight blue', the single that was a hit in the Netherlands the year before. A voice-over then starts to talk about her 'phenomenal success' in the Netherlands and Europe.

The important news, which is announced on the sleeve of the record, is that DJ's and other recipients of this promotional 7" single should look in their mailbox next week, as they will get something (it is not specified what). The single was part of the promotion for Tucker's 1983 album 'After the storm'. Since the album nor the singles were a hit in the Netherlands, I doubt this promotional single was effective.

My collection: 7" single no. 3776
Found: Record fair, Den Haag, June 20, 2009
Cost: 1 euro
Tracks: 'Belangrijk nieuws van Louise Tucker'

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