Sunday, 24 May 2009

Il jouait du piano debout - France Gall

France Gall was born on October 9, 1947 in Paris, France. She started her career in music in 1963. Two years later she was asked to represent Luxembourg during the Eurovision Song Contest. It meant that she would become wellknown in the whole of Europe after winning with 'Poupée de cire, poupée de son'.

In the Seventies she became inactive for a few years after marrying with French artist Michel Berger and giving birth to two children. She returned to the fore with the 1980 album 'Paris France' and the single 'Il jouait du piano debout', a hit in many European countries including the Netherlands, where it peaked at number 22.

Searching for a translation of the title, I came up with 'He played the piano standing up'. But it might as well mean 'He played the upright piano'. Language can be a barrier sometimes.

My collection: 7" single no. 3734
Found: Record fair, Den Haag, May 23, 2009
Cost: 0,5 euro
Tracks: 'Il jouait du piano debout' / 'La chanteuse qui a tout donné'

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