Thursday, 26 February 2009

'Ullo John! Gotta new motor? - Alexei Sayle

So I found the 7" single of ''Ullo John! Gotta new motor?' in 1995. I actually ordered it in 1985 from a mailorder company in England, but it was sold out. I stated the 12" single as an alternative (remember, these were the days when you actually had to send your order via snail mail and hope for your order to arrive two weeks later), and so I got that one. I was a bit disappointed, because even if the 12" single contains 'part 3' and 'part 4' of the track, it does go on a bit.

According to Wikipedia, the 12" version of the single achieved notoriety due to its extensive use of profanity. After listening, I'm sure you'll agree that they are referring mostly to part 4, which contains an impressive array of foul language.

My collection: 12" single no. 14
Found: Oldies Unlimited, UK, 1985
Cost: 4 pounds
Tracks: ''Ullo John! Gotta new motor? (part 3)' / ''Ullo John! Gotta new motor? (part 4)'

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