Monday, 26 January 2009

Sanctuary - New Musik

'Sanctuary' is, in my opinion, one of the best synthpop songs ever. Created by New Musik, it fitted perfectly in the sound they had created for themselves. It was the second single to be taken from their album 'From A to B', and the last single to reach the UK singles chart. Just like 'This world of water' a few months earlier, it reached number 31.

Notable also is the B-side of this single: it features a new track 'She's a magazine', as well as two short instrumentals. 'Chik Musik' is a wonderful pastiche of the signature sound of that famous disco/soul group Chic.

My collection: 7" single no. 1535
Found: Brussels, October 11, 1991
Cost: 30 Belgian Francs
Tracks: 'Sanctuary' / 'She's a magazine', 'Chik Musik', 'Magazine Musik'
Download: here

1 comment:

  1. hello

    the link for New musik Sanctuary is dead

    can you reupload this please

    thank you

    PS : I know a Marcel in the Netherlands who has a record shop in Enschede. it's you ?
