Sunday, 14 December 2008

Stay - The Blue Nile

Two years after their debut single 'I love this life', The Blue Nile had found a new record company and were ready to release their debut album. Linn Records released 'Stay' shortly before the album 'A walk across the rooftops'. The album reached the UK album charts, even though it was only for two weeks, but 'Stay' sunk without a trace.

Still, it is a very bouncy pop song. It is backed with 'Saddle the horses' (an instrumental version of the album track 'Automobile noise'). I bought the single, as always, after years of searching.

My collection: 7" single no. 2865
Found: Record fair, Utrecht, September 20, 1997
Cost: 4 guilders
Tracks: 'Stay' / 'Saddle the horses'
Download: here

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