Sunday, 14 December 2008

Lost again - Yello

The Swiss group Yello consisted of Dieter Meier, Boris Blank and Carlos Perón when they released their first few singles. 'Bostich', released in 1980 was their debut. In 1983 they received lots of media attention on the back of their hit singles 'I love you' and 'Lost again'.

Their electronica-influenced music didn't appeal to me at all, but the strange atmosphere in 'Lost again' caught my attention nonetheless. I grew to like this track, and sure enough, I ended up buying the 12" single years after it was released. The B-side, which includes the two earlier singles was less appealing, but the extended version of 'Lost again' is certainly worth a spin.

My collection: 12" single no. 472
Found: Record fair, Utrecht, 2005
Cost: 2 euro
Tracks: 'Lost again [extended]' / 'I love you [extended]', 'Bostich'

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