Saturday, 15 November 2008

Don't you want me - Human League

The soundtrack of the eighties wouldn't be complete without the Human League. For years I thought that 'Don't you want me' was their debut single, until I found out that there was a previous incarnation of the group - an incarnation I never quite got into.

'Don't You Want Me' was released in the UK on 5 December 1981 and to everyone in the band's amazement it went almost immediately to number one and remained in the UK charts for 13 weeks. The group became famous for lead singer Phil Oakey's weird hairdo, although he cut his hair pretty quickly and started to look more like a regular Joe.

I only bought this single in 2004, when I reached the point of wanting to 'complete' certain parts of my collection. Back in 1982, when this song was in the charts, I heard it so many times I didn't really want to buy it. There are still other Human League songs I prefer, but to many, this is their one and only classic.

My collection: 7" single no. 3380
Found: Den Haag, 2004
Cost: 1 euro
Tracks: 'Don't you want me' / 'Seconds'
Download: 12" single 'Don't you want me', including both tracks

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